Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God
School Uniform
The policy of the school is that children should wear uniform, and we ask for parents’ co-operation in this matter.
All articles of clothing should be marked with the owner's initial and surname.
Both Slinfold School and Pre-School uniform, carrying our logos may be ordered direct from Taylor Made Uniforms:
You can also purchase affordable school uniform from the following stores: Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's.
Our PTA also hold a regular second uniform sale with affordable school uniform options.
School Uniform
White blouse/shirt/polo shirt.
Grey tunic/skirt/shorts or grey straight leg trousers.
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan.
White or grey socks or tights.
Children may continue to wear the uniform as above or choose to wear a blue gingham or candy stripe dress.
Black sensible outdoor shoes with flat heels should be worn.
Open toed sandals or trainers are not acceptable.
Coat and sunhat
Children need to bring a coat or waterproof jacket to school each day since outdoor play takes place in most weathers.
During the summer term children should bring a sunhat that shades the face and neck.
PE Kit
Trainers (Velcro fastening for younger children).
White t-shirt.
Royal blue shorts.
Tracksuit or jogging bottoms for colder weather.
A drawstring bag – named – in which to keep PE kit.
Additional information
In order to protect their clothing, children need an art overall. This can be an adapted adult’s shirt or blouse.
We expect and encourage our pupils to to take pride in their appearance and to look smart at all times. We expect shirts to be tucked in and hair should be neat and well combed with no extreme hair styles. Shoulder length hair needs to be tied back during the school day with small, plain coloured hair ties, scrunchies or grips. Blue, white or black hair bands may be worn. Children should not wear nail varnish to school.
Watches may be worn at the owner's risk and no other jewellery is to be worn at all. The only exception is the wearing of one pair of flat studs, permissible in ears which have been pierced. These earrings have to be removed by the child for PE and games. If your child cannot remove the earrings themselves then please do not put them in on PE days. If you are thinking about having your child’s ears pierced the best time to do this is at the beginning of the summer holidays.