
Slinfold CE Primary School and Pre-School

Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God


Welcome to Adur Class

Welcome to Adur Class


In Adur Class we have a mixture of year 4  and year 5 children. We believe in having fun while learning and enjoying our time at school. We like to work together, to achieve with each other, and care for each other along the way. 


Through exploring our web page, you can keep up-to-date with our learning journey, check out our wonderful curriculum and explore subject specific websites to support your children’s learning.


Adur Class is taught by Miss Ruxton (M,T,W) and Mrs Haining (W,Th, F)


Our Timetable


We have two PE sessions a week and these take place on a Friday.  In the morning, this will be run by Mr Petros from Purely Sport and in the afternoon we will go swimming


Our Forest School sessions will take place later in the year. 


Class Charter

We earn marbles for our class jar by demonstrating our Christian Values of Courage, Compassion, Respect and Responsibility. We enjoy working collaboratively as we earn whole class rewards, and love being part of the Adur Class Team! 


Curriculum Overview

We have the opportunity to learn about some wonderful topics this year, all based around 'Exploring the past'. These include: 

Autumn - Off with her head (Tudors)

Spring - Ancient and Modern Greece

Summer - Roamin' around Britain



Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due back the following Wednesday


Children are expected to complete homework tasks on Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars.  THey also have access to Sumdog should they wish to use this.


Your child should bring home their reading record and a book every day and is expected to read at least 4 times each week.  Please encourage your child to read for 15 to 20 minutes each evening to develop their fluency, expression, confidence and an understanding of books. Please encourage your child to record this reading in their reading record. Reading records are collected in every Friday to monitor your child’s reading journey at home.




Adur Class Prayer


Dear God, 

We ask for your blessing on Adur Class,

Thank you for all the opportunities we have in school and at home,

Help us to learn together, try new things and be thankful.

Guide us to show resilience, forgiveness and integrity

May the Lord be with us always


Meet the teacher
