
Slinfold CE Primary School and Pre-School

Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God


Welcome to Rother Class

Miss Geary and Mrs Hammond

Hello and welcome to Rother!


Being in Year 6 is an exciting time for our children, as they are reaching the end of their exciting journey at Slinfold CE Primary School. They will have created many memories throughout their time with us and, during this year, they are being prepared to leave us and make smooth transitions into their secondary schools.


Through exploring our web page, you can keep up-to-date with our learning journey, check out our inspiring curriculum and explore subject specific websites to support your children’s learning.


Happy exploring!

I’m an 11 year old get me out of here!

1. Welcome To Our Jungle - with vocals.mp3

2. It's All Happenin' In The Dunny - with vocals.mp3

3. Lumpy Custard - with vocals.mp3

4. Little'Uns - with vocals.mp3

6. Cringe - with vocals.mp3

7. A Letter From Home - with vocals.mp3

8. Get Me Out Of Here - with vocals.mp3

Substantive Knowledge Organisers

Maths SATs Revision

SPaG SATs Revision

PE Days


Thursday and Friday

Rother Class Charter

At Slinfold CE Primary School, each class works together to develop a class charter which is based around our school values: Respect, Responsibility, Compassion and Courage. Our charters support our learning, and our pupils are consistently encouraged to make wise behaviour choices based on those charters. 



Compulsory Weekly Homework (set Friday – Due Wednesday)

Reading: In Year 6, every child is expected to read for at least 20 minutes at least 4-5x a week; this should be recorded in your child’s Reading Record. These will be checked on a Friday weekly and reading with either the Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant. These home reading sessions should be children reading aloud to an adult to support both fluency and to develop comprehension skills, which can be built upon by asking the children questions about what they have read. There are some prompts of these questions in the front of your child’s reading record.  


Times Tables/: The children should already (or nearly) be able to confidently recall all of their times table. These should be practised regularly at home to consolidate the children’s learning in the classroom. This learning can be completed on Timetable Rock stars (log in details in Reading Record)


Spelling: Weekly spelling words that are taught during spelling lessons will be available to play games with on spelling shed. (Log in details in reading record) 


Optional Other Homework

Some children like to be more creative and have a project to work towards. Therefore, below are some suggest homework tasks for you to choose from. At the end of the half term, we will ensure the children have the opportunity to share their homework and children will receive house points for the work they complete.

All members of Rother are...
