Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God
Welcome to Slinfold CE Primary School SEND Support. I am Claire Collins and I'm the Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Leader. I hope you find this page helpful in explaining how children with SEND are supported in our school. There is also further information regarding outside organisations who can also help you support your children. If you have any questions regarding SEND, please me contact me through the school office telephone 01403 790253 or via email on
At Slinfold CE Primary School, we acknowledge the individual needs of our children and employ strategies to meet these. The strategies may include using different resources or providing a child with additional group or individual support.
A child who receives additional support is monitored closely through a process of Assess-Plan-Do-Review which is in line with the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice (2014). The parents and carers of children receiving additional support are kept informed about their child's progress through both verbal and written feedback. The school acknowledges the importance of working closely with parents and carers, and their views are always sought.
Sometimes the school may also draw on the expertise of outside professionals like Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists.
We are committed to providing a full and inclusive curriculum for all of our children. All areas of the school are accessible and we have a purpose built sensory room.
Further details on how the school and West Sussex support children with SEND can be found in the Local offer documents below.
Following a parent survey regarding the SEND provision at Slinfold CE Primary and Pre-School -
87.5% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "I know how the school provides for children with SEND."
100% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "The Inclusion leader is approachable and friendly."
100% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "I know what my child is working towards from their ILP (Individual Learning Plan) and can support this at home."
87.5% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "Targets and interventions on your child’s ILP are appropriate to my child’s needs."
100% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "The new Learning Journal enables me to clearly see the support my child is getting at school and the progress they are making".
87.5% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "Everyone in the school is supportive and actively supports my child.".
87.5% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "My child can access all extra-curricular activities and visits."
75% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that "The school website contains useful information about SEN."
Every local authority has to display their offer of Special Needs Provision and services available for children with disabilities and Special Educational Needs. This is called the ‘Local Offer’. The intention is to offer choice, transparency and information for families, as well as providing a resource for professionals to detail the range of services and provision locally.