
Slinfold CE Primary School and Pre-School

Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God

School Council

Each class elects representatives to our School Council.
The School Council meets regularly to discuss aspects of school life, share questions and concerns from their classes and to plan whole school events.

Meet our School Council :



School Council 


Amina and Austin


Emily and Ethan 


Marthar and William


Zoe and Saoirse


Myla and Sonny

School Council - Request for play equipment

The School Council requested new play equipment for the playground. They gained pupil voice from all of the children in the school regarding what equipment they wanted. The Chair and Vice Chair then wrote a letter to Mrs Collins - PE Lead to request the equipment. 

School Council Assembly

The Chair and Vice Chair of the School Council held an assembly to show the children what new play equipment had been purchased and to remind the children about the expectations of playing with the equipment. 

Children in Need - Cake Sale
