Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God
At Slinfold CE Primary School our PSHE curriculum supports building the pupils’ knowledge and skills in emotional literacy, self-awareness, understanding of health, relationships and keeping safe. We strive to promote children’s self-esteem and emotional and physical well-being and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships. We aim to provide a range of opportunities for children to develop themselves in a well balanced way encouraging both an awareness of others and the growth of responsible independence. Through this, children can develop the confidence, talents and skills, to become effective individuals, motivated learners and active citizens. We want to prepare them for the future by encouraging the development of characteristics for life such as a love of learning, resilience, integrity, team work, critical thinking and independence. These attributes and skills will help to prepare them for the world ahead and enable them to make well balanced decisions later on in life.
At Slinfold PSHE education will be provided to all children within our school. Children with SEND will be supported to access health, relationships and sex education through high-quality, teacher-led quality first teaching, following the guidance of the SEND code of practice. Teaching will be differentiated and personalised to suit their individual context. PSHE education will be taught on a weekly discrete basis, with some content also being taught through other subject areas, and within other contexts, such as assemblies, ‘circle time’ or ‘class meetings’. A taught session may look very different in one year group to the next - class teachers have discretion to plan and deliver teaching that suits the individual needs of their class, whilst ensuring that all curriculum content is covered effectively. There is no expectation that children complete formal written recording of teaching, although some form of recording is encouraged. Our sessions are discussion based, giving children the chance to freely talk about any feelings or opinions. Pre-teaching can occur so that children with SEND can have an idea of the content that will covered within the PSHE lessons. Each class has a worry box in place so that children can raise worries or concerns in a way that they may feel more comfortable or discrete.
PSHE Road Maps
Disciplinary Knowledge
Substantive Knowledge Organisers
Coming Together Languages Day - Friday 17th March 2023
To celebrate our school diversity, we investigated how many links around the world we have as a school! We tasked our families to ask their family and friends around the world to send us postcards. We were amazed at how many postcards we received from all four corners of the globe!
Following this, to celebrate 'Coming Together' for Comic Relief, we held our fist 'Day of Languages'. This was an amazing day, where the children learnt about their chosen country, its geographical location, food, culture and language.
Across the school we studied - Italy, Germany, Ukraine and Spain. Parent volunteers came in to teach the language and to tell the child all about the culture within that country.
The Brook - Mrs John visited The Brook to teach them some Italian. They learnt how to say their Italian names and different colours! Throughout the day the children made, breadstick, pizzas and Italian lemon cake. They then finished the day with an Italian Feast!
KS1 - Hamble and Medway - Mrs Carnochan visited KS1, where she taught them numbers in German along with the alphabet. They studied some of the famous landmarks in Germany and baked pretzels and made Tyrolean hats!
Arun - Mrs Turban visited Arun Class, where she taught them the different colours in Ukrainian. They also learnt how to sing Head, Shoulders, Knee's and Toes and learnt all bout the meaning behind the colours of the Ukrainian Flag.
Adur - Mrs John also visited Adur Class where she taught them their Italian name, along with how to say "my name is....". They also looked at Italy as a country and discussed its geography - learning how it is classed as a Peninsula as it only has one side linked to other countries. Throughout the day, Adur Class also made their own pizzas!
Rother - Rother Class studies Spain for the day, looking at its culture, including its many festivals. They learnt many Spanish phrases, such as " How are you?" "My name is...." thanks to a virtual lesson with Mrs Stevenson, a KS3 Spanish teacher with family links to our school!
Why is mindfulness important?
Being mindful helps you:
Useful PSHE Websites
Healthy Lifestyles:
Change for Life
Cosmic Yoga
Go Noodle
Joe Wicks 5 Minute Workouts
Get Kids Cooking!
Sex, Health and Relationships:
RSE Government Publications
Sex Education Forum
BBC Relationships
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health:
Mentally Healthy Schools
Young Minds
Financial Capability:
Natwest Money Sense
Young Enterprise
Lessons about keeping money safe
Think You Know
Parent Zone
Google-Be Internet Legend
Bullying Alliance
BBC Bullying Class Clips
Child Bereavement
Childhood Bereavement Network
Cruse Bereavement Care
Kids Health