
Slinfold CE Primary School and Pre-School

Caring for each other, learning from each other, achieving with each other…guided by God


Welcome to Arun Class


Welcome to Arun Class!  We are a class of mixed Year 3 / 4 children who like to have fun and where we try our best and work hard.   



Class Teacher - Miss Needle

Support Staff - Mrs Glover and Miss Peto 


Values and Behaviour

We believe in our school values of - 

- Courage

- Compassion

- Respect

- Responsibility 


On Monday's we have Celebration Worship where children will have the opportunity to achieve a certificate based on our school values. 


We have a whole class reward system, whereby we can earn marbles for our class jar. We also have a whole school House Points system where we work in our houses to earn tokens for the token collectors. These are counted up each week and the winning house is assigned the house trophy!


Forest School and PE

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday

Forest school will take place in Autumn 2. 



Our topic focus this academic year will be :

Autumn - Ancient Egyptians

Spring - Tales from the Riverbank

Summer - Coasts


Home Learning

Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

It will consist of  reading, spelling shed, TT Rockstars and optional activities from the homework grid.

We check reading records on Wednesdays. 








Dear God


Thank you for our family and class.

Thank you for everyone who looks after us,

Help us to learn, look after one another and our world


Class Charter

Meet the Teacher
